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Body Lift in Phoenix, AZ

Following significant weight loss, men and women often have excess skin on the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, and back. While a tummy tuck can address the excess skin on the abdomen, it does not benefit these other areas. Dr. Boll performs a body lift on patients looking for circumferential skin removal. This procedure targets, slims, and contours the abdomen, sides, outer thighs, and buttocks for a more youthful and fit body contour.

Schedule a Consultation

What a Body Lift Can Achieve

Curvy woman in underwear

Body Lift Procedure

Your consultation with Dr. Boll is one of the most critical aspects of your procedure. During this meeting, you will discuss your goals and expectations with Dr. Boll so that she can create a surgical plan that works for your body needs.

Like a tummy tuck, a body lift addresses loose skin on the abdomen; however, unlike a tummy tuck, a body lift extends the target area around the entire body. A circumferential incision is made below the bikini line, from which excess skin is trimmed before the incisions are closed.

A body lift targets the excess skin on the abdomen, hips, outer thighs, buttocks, and back; however, it will not remove significant pockets of fat. Liposuction of the abdomen, outer thighs, flanks, and/or back is commonly combined with a body lift to remove unwanted fat cells and tone the midsection. Liposuction can be performed simultaneously to suction out localized pockets of fat.



Your body lift procedure is expected to take between four and six hours. While this is commonly an outpatient procedure, Dr. Boll may recommend an overnight stay in a facility for monitoring. Compression garments should be worn for several months to reduce swelling, promote blood circulation, and facilitate healing. Many patients can return to work after three weeks; however, most will take up to six weeks to fully heal. All strenuous exercise should be avoided during this time. Dr. Boll will let you know when it is alright to resume all activities.


Scars will be present at the incision site, but this is usually hidden by underwear or bathing suits. Patients can help minimize the appearance of their scars by limiting tension on that area and avoiding sun exposure. All scarring will fade with time.


The cost of your body lift will vary depending on the techniques used, anesthesia fees, surgical fees, facility fees, and added costs of any combination procedures. Dr. Boll and her staff will provide you with an accurate cost estimate during your consultation.


Bruising, swelling, and discomfort are common after a body lift. Compression garments will help to ease the swelling, and oral pain medication will remedy any physical discomfort. Most swelling should resolve within six weeks.

"Would highly recommend

Dr Boll for anyone having reconstructive surgery. She is very caring and has made this difficult time at least a little easier knowing she cares about her patients."
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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for a body lift?

Patients with excess skin on the abdomen, outer thighs, hips, buttocks, and back may be candidates for a body lift. These patients have often lost a significant amount of weight that has contributed to the excess skin. Candidates should be in good health, not smoke, and be realistic in their expectations.

Is a body lift only for patients who have lost weight?

While many weight loss patients turn to a body lift, they are not the only ones who can benefit. Individuals who have excess skin due to aging or pregnancy can also benefit from a body lift.

Is a body lift performed with anesthesia?

Your body lift will be performed under general anesthesia to ensure a painless procedure. As this anesthesia will make you groggy and tired, you are required to have someone present to drive you home and stay with you for the first night.

What are the potential risks and complications following a body lift?

Risks and complications following body lift surgery are rare; however, they can include:

  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Poor wound healing
  • Scarring
  • Changes in skin sensation

You can reduce your chance of these risks by following all of Dr. Boll’s pre- and post-operative instructions.

Are my results permanent?

Results from your body lift are long lasting when paired with a healthy lifestyle. A poor diet, additional weight gain, and pregnancies can affect the appearance and quality of the results.

Can I have a body lift after gastric bypass?

Gastric bypass patients are typically great candidates for a body lift due to the extent of excess skin following the weight loss. However, gastric bypass patients often have nutritional deficiencies due to their restrictive diet that must be addressed and remedied before surgery, as these deficiencies can affect and disrupt healing.