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Brow Lift in Phoenix, AZ

Horizontal wrinkles that develop across the forehead and creases that form between the eyes can age the face significantly and inhibit self-esteem. Men and women who experience sagging in the forehead and brow area can also develop a tired and worn appearance.

A brow lift (forehead lift) can reduce forehead wrinkles, smooth frown lines, and lift sagging eyebrows to restore a youthful appearance.

What Does a Brow Lift Do?

Lifts the Eyebrows

As the skin in the forehead stretches, the eyebrows often become droopy. Sagging brows may hang over and hood the eyes. This can create a permanently disgruntled or tired appearance. Brow lift surgery removes excess forehead skin and adjusts the underlying muscle to lift the brows, restoring your ability to make pleasant and alert facial expressions.

Reduces Frown Lines

Frown lines that appear between the brows are commonly known as the “11s” because of their deep appearance and vertical placement. A brow lift can minimize or soften these vertical creases as the skin and muscles are tightened to restore a more youthful appearance.

Smooths Forehead Wrinkles

Factors such as aging, genetics, and sun exposure can cause horizontal lines to form across the forehead. A brow lift removes loose skin on the forehead and adjusts the tissues to soften these forehead wrinkles. After forehead lift surgery, you can enjoy reduced wrinkles and a more rested look.

What Should I Expect From My Brow Lift Procedure?


What Can I Expect for My Brow Lift Consultation?

Dr. Boll will thoroughly discuss your cosmetic concerns, medical history, and aesthetic goals during your brow lift consultation. With your safety in mind, your health will be carefully evaluated for potential risk factors.

Dr. Boll will also discuss the likely accomplishments and results of your brow lift surgery. Different areas of your face will be examined, and your ‘before’ photographs may be taken.

Brow Lift Incision

To ensure a completely pain-free and comfortable procedure, all brow lift patients will receive either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Where Are the Incisions for Brow Lift Surgery Made?

An incision is made in the front of the hairline according to your hair type and cosmetic needs. Your incisions will accommodate the anatomy of your forehead, such as a high forehead or low forehead. If desired, a brow lift incision can lift the brow without changing the height of the hairline.

Once the incision has been made, special instruments will allow Dr. Boll to see the underlying forehead tissue and muscle. The tissues are then repositioned, tightened, and lifted to correct furrows and creases in the forehead and sagging brows.

Common Combinations

Can My Brow Lift Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Brow lift surgery can correct loose forehead skin, deep lines between the brows, wrinkles across the forehead, and sagging eyebrows. Patients who experience severe sagging in the upper eyelids may benefit from blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Blepharoplasty can more accurately address drooping in the upper eyelid and bags of excess fat in the lower eyelid. By combining a forehead lift with an eyelid lift, patients can comprehensively restore a youthful and alert appearance to their eyes.

Other facial plastic surgeries can be performed in conjunction with brow lift surgery for more thorough corrections to the lower two-thirds of the face. Patients can receive a facelift to remove deep jowls and wrinkles or even a neck lift to contour the neck. Fat transfer (fat grafting) can also be applied to restore volume to different areas of the face.

Have More Brow Lift Concerns?


What Can I Expect for My Brow Lift Recovery?

Dr. Boll will ensure that your forehead is carefully wrapped to properly minimize inflammation, swelling, or bruising. You will also be provided with instructions on caring for incision areas, taking medication, and looking for concerns about your overall health.

Brow lift recovery usually takes four to six weeks. However, most patients can return to work within two weeks. Dr. Boll will recommend when it is safe to continue work and rigorous physical activity.


Will My Brow Lift Leave Scars?

The development of scars after brow lift surgery will depend on the type of incision you received during your treatment. Most scars that develop from brow lift surgery can be hidden behind the hairline.


What Is the Cost of Brow Lift Surgery in Tempe, AZ?

Brow lift cost can differ with each patient due to the extent of their unique corrections and the location of the practice. Dr. Boll will provide a clear and transparent estimate for the cost of your brow lift during your consultation.

Will Insurance Cover My Brow Lift?

Insurance generally does not cover the cost of aesthetic surgeries such as a brow lift unless it is needed for functional reasons. However, Dr. Boll offers multiple financing options to help you afford the cosmetic treatment of your dreams.


Will My Brow Lift Be Painful?

An anesthesiologist will ensure that you are properly under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation during your brow lift surgery, facilitating a pain-free experience. Pain immediately following your procedure will also be reduced by the anesthesia.

Any pain or discomfort that is experienced during the healing process can be managed with the appropriate prescriptions provided by Dr. Boll.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Lift

Am I a candidate for a brow lift?

Ideal candidates for brow lift surgery have realistic expectations of their results and desire to correct the face’s brow and forehead region. Candidates must be in good physical health and follow any instructions necessary to reduce the risk of complications.

How can I prepare for brow lift surgery?

Medical evaluations and lab testing may be requested prior to your surgery. Patients may also be asked to avoid specific medications, foods, or drinks that could increase the chances of blood thinning, bleeding, and bruising.

Can BOTOX® Cosmetic injections replace the need for a brow lift?

While BOTOX® Cosmetic is ideal for correcting wrinkles and frown lines in the forehead, its beautifying effects do not last as long as a brow lift, and it cannot lift sagging eyebrows. BOTOX® Cosmetic injections are suitable for patients who desire a non-surgical solution for signs of aging around the eyes.

Are there any long-term risks associated with brow lift surgery?

There are little to no long-term risks associated with brow lift surgery. Although rare, all surgeries have the potential for producing physical complications, including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Hair loss around the incisions
  • Hairline elevation
  • Skin loss
  • Unfavorable scarring

Will my brow lift results be permanent?

Despite providing cosmetic solutions for the forehead that last for years to come, brow lift surgery can not stop the natural process of aging. Even so, patients who receive brow lift surgery will have a younger and more revitalized forehead region than if they had not received treatment.

What are other questions I should ask during my brow lift consultation?

Brow lift surgery is a very personal decision that can impact your life in a positive way for many years. However, getting plastic surgery can sometimes be an overwhelming experience.

Here are some questions potential patients can ask to make their transformation process easier:

  • How can I expect to look during my brow lift recovery process?
  • Are there non-surgical options that address my cosmetic concerns?
  • Do you have brow lift before and after photos I can see?

Want to Learn More About Brow Lift in Phoenix, AZ?

To learn more about brow lift and your options in Phoenix, AZ, call our office at (480) 833-5200 or fill out our online contact form today to schedule your consultation.

Kind Words From Our Patients

“Thank you all for your professional compassion and kindness while I was your patient. I feel good and appreciate all that you all have done for me. You are the best!”

“I could not have asked for better care. Dr.Boll, along with her staff, are the consummate professionals. I made a consultation appointment with Dr. Boll to discuss a facelift. She discussed, in depth, every aspect of the procedure including what I could expect for an outcome. Her kindness and compassion are genuine. Her knowledge unparalleled. I left that consultation knowing I had made the right decision.”

“Post- surgery attention was outstanding, I felt completely comfortable in Dr. Boll’s care; and I am 68, never having surgery before.”

Contact Us

A $100 consultation fee is payable when making a consultation and does apply to the cost of surgery. If the appointment is canceled or no-showed this fee is non-refundable. Dr. Boll spends about an hour with each patient discussing the procedure(s). The consult fee will be applied to the cost of surgery when surgery is scheduled.  

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