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Is a Mini Facelift Right for You?

Posted April 03, 2023 in Facelift Scars, Mini Facelift


3 Minute Read: 

When it comes to plastic surgery, not every patient requires the same level of correction. Because of this, some techniques are better than others for specific concerns, and this may best be seen with facelift surgery. 

Beautiful woman looking directly at the camera with her hand gently resting on her chin

While a facelift is a fantastic option for patients who experience age- and lifestyle-related cosmetic issues (such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin in the face), not everyone requires the same techniques. 

For women and men who are just beginning to see the effects of age in the lower face, a mini facelift may be an appropriate option. 

Below, we’ll explore mini facelift surgery to help you better understand how this procedure works and how it may be a great choice for you!

What Is the Difference Between a Standard Facelift and a Mini Facelift?

Traditional facelift surgery addresses issues in the lower two-thirds of the face, from the cheeks to the neck. 

With this procedure, sagging tissues in the face are lifted and tightened and excess skin is trimmed to achieve a more lifted and contoured structure. In some cases, an additional incision is made underneath the chin to address laxity and submental fat below the jawline and along the neck.

While a mini facelift achieves many of the same results as a standard facelift, it is not as extensive. With a mini facelift, excess skin is surgically removed, and the remaining skin and underlying tissues are tightened to allow for a more youthful and sculpted appearance. 

With a mini facelift, the neck is not addressed, and there will not be an additional incision made beneath the chin.

What Are the Benefits of a Mini Facelift?

Because a mini facelift is less invasive, the incisions will be smaller. This means that any resulting scars will be smaller, as well. Patients can also expect to have a quicker recovery time with a mini facelift than they’d have with a standard facelift. 

It’s important to note that a mini facelift is not the best option for all patients and should not be performed on a patient who would benefit more from a standard facelift. These patients have more significant laxity, the presence of jowls, and neck concerns. 

It is important to identify the right technique for your needs, and this can only be accomplished with a consultation with your plastic surgeon.

However, for the right patient, a mini facelift can revitalize your facial appearance and leave you smiling.

Should You Consider Combining Other Procedures to Your Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift only addresses the lower face only (from the cheeks to the jawline), and while this is a great procedure for women and men with specific cosmetic concerns in these areas, it does not address the upper portions of the face (namely, the areas around the eyes and forehead). 

By undergoing a mini facelift alone, you run the risk of creating an imbalanced appearance (with the lower portion looking contoured and smooth, and the upper portion looking aged and worn-down).

Two of the best facial procedures to combine with a mini facelift include eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and brow lift surgery (also known as a forehead lift)

With eyelid surgery, you can choose to have upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelid surgery) to address sagging skin in the upper eyelids, lower blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery) to correct puffy eyes and bags under the eyes, or a combination of both. 

And a brow lift helps to correct heavy and furrowed brows as well as wrinkles and lines on the forehead.

At your consultation, Dr. Boll will discuss whether combining other procedures to your mini facelift may benefit you.

Want to Learn More About Facial Procedures in Tempe, AZ?

If you have questions about mini facelift surgery or any of the other cosmetic procedures we offer, then schedule your consultation today by calling 480-800-8295 or filling out our online contact form.

Contact Us

A $100 consultation fee is payable when making a consultation and does apply to the cost of surgery. If the appointment is canceled or no-showed this fee is non-refundable. Dr. Boll spends about an hour with each patient discussing the procedure(s). The consult fee will be applied to the cost of surgery when surgery is scheduled.  

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