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Minimize the Appearance of Your Tummy Tuck Scar

Posted May 25, 2018 in Tummy Tuck Scars


Young attractive girl enjoys hot summer day at the beachIndividuals who are considering tummy tuck surgery are likely to have plenty of questions, especially about recovery and what results they can expect. Something that many people worry about is how noticeable their tummy tuck scars will be after they have healed. While the development of scars is an expected outcome of an extensive surgical procedure, there are a few things you can do to help make them nearly imperceivable. Avoiding sun exposure, quitting smoking, and treating any infections in the area can all minimize the appearance of scarring.

Stay in the Shade

Scars are constructed differently than healthy tissue, and they also react differently to the sun. Sun exposure tends to darken scars, making them more obvious. You should refrain from exposing your tummy tuck scars to the sun for at least one year, at which point it is crucial to apply sunscreen with SPF30 or higher to prevent subsequent darkening.

Avoid Smoking

Compromised healing is one of the leading contributors to unsightly scarring. Most surgeons recommend that patients quit smoking for several weeks before their scheduled procedure. However, smoking after surgery can also lead to complications. Because smoking impairs circulation, your tummy tuck wounds will not receive enough oxygen to heal well. Kicking the habit before and after your surgery is a wise choice for a pleasing result and a healthy lifestyle overall.

Prevent and Treat Infections

Scars that do not heal properly tend to be more noticeable. Infections can interfere with the healing process, causing abnormal and unwanted scar formation. Keeping your tummy tuck incision clean throughout your recovery and applying the recommended ointments can help stave off bacterial infections so you can enjoy a smoother an inconspicuous result.

For more information about tummy tuck surgery and scar treatment options, schedule your consultation with Dr. Jennifer Boll by calling 480-833-5200.

Contact Us

A $100 consultation fee is payable when making a consultation and does apply to the cost of surgery. If the appointment is canceled or no-showed this fee is non-refundable. Dr. Boll spends about an hour with each patient discussing the procedure(s). The consult fee will be applied to the cost of surgery when surgery is scheduled.  

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