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What Is the Best Age for Otoplasty?

Posted April 05, 2021 in Ear Pinning Surgery, Otoplasty


2 Minute Read: 

Otoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure performed on people of all ages. However, it is most common in younger children whose ears are exceptionally large or misshapen. 

mother taking care of her sick, recovering kid in bed.

As a parent, you want what is best for your child. It is understandable that you would be concerned about them undergoing a cosmetic procedure at such a young age. Fortunately, otoplasty is entirely safe and more beneficial when performed on a younger child. 

Who Benefits From Otoplasty? 

Otoplasty is best performed on younger children whose ears have fully developed. This typically occurs around the age of five. While otoplasty can be performed on adults, most plastic surgeons recommend children undergo otoplasty while younger to minimize risk and allow for quicker healing. 

Why Should My Child Undergo Otoplasty at a Young Age?

To Avoid Bullying

Unfortunately, children with overly large ears are often made fun of at school. The younger your child is when they have their surgery, the less they will have to deal with bullies at school. Your child being constantly ridiculed for an aspect of their appearance can significantly harm their self-esteem, making going to school a source of stress and anxiety. 

All children deserve to enjoy school without having to worry about mean kids stealing their joy. 

To Have an Easier Recovery

Additionally, the recovery from otoplasty can be easier and more comfortable at a younger age. In many circumstances, children heal faster than adults do, making the otoplasty recovery a smoother process. Children also do not remember their recovery as much as they would if they had surgery when they were older. 

Surprisingly, children seem to enjoy recovering from this surgery. With medication, the pain is manageable, and they can spend time doing relaxing activities that they enjoy. 

Most children spend their recovery watching TV and movies while indulging in snacks and other foods they do not have very often. To many of us adults, that seems like a pretty enjoyable time. 

Is Otoplasty Right for My Child? 

No one wants to be forced to change an aspect of their appearance. 

Because of this, children should only undergo otoplasty if they want to. Children who are insecure about their ears and want to have surgery are the most cooperative throughout the surgical process. While you may want your child to have surgery when they are younger, it is much more beneficial to wait for them to be eager and excited. 

Interested in Learning More About Otoplasty in Tempe, AZ? 

If you are interested in learning more about how your child can benefit from otoplasty, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Jennifer Boll by calling 480-833-5200 or filling out our online contact form.

Contact Us

A $100 consultation fee is payable when making a consultation and does apply to the cost of surgery. If the appointment is canceled or no-showed this fee is non-refundable. Dr. Boll spends about an hour with each patient discussing the procedure(s). The consult fee will be applied to the cost of surgery when surgery is scheduled.  

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