Patient 62
Patient disliked the deflated appearance of her breasts but she did not want large breasts. She wanted more fullness. Mentor MemoryShape Gel Medium Height Moderate Plus Profile 375cc implants placed under the muscle.
Patient 65
Patient desired to go from a B cup to a C cup and wanted more fullness. Mentor MemoryShape 395cc used.
Patient 66
Patient disliked the droopiness in her breasts and desired them to be more full. She desired to go from a B cup to a C cup. Mentor MemoryShape 375cc implants used
Patient 68
Patient presented after having 3 children and she disliked the small size of her breasts. She was a B cup and she desired to be about a D cup. Mentor High Profile Saline 420cc implants used.
Patient 70
Patient reported that as she had gotten older, she noted that she lost fullness to her breasts and she felt that they had become droopy. She was a B cup bra and desired to be a fuller breast size but still natural appearing. She desired to be around a C cup. Mentor Memory Shape Tall Height Moderate Plus profile 395cc implants used.